Manipulating dictionaries in python

From raju

populate a dictionary by calling a function on each element of a list

    >>> def sqr(x):
    ...     return x*x
    >>> a = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
    >>> b = {k:sqr(k) for k in a}
    >>> a
    [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
    >>> b
    {1.1: 1.2100000000000002, 2.2: 4.840000000000001, 3.3: 10.889999999999999}


merge python dictionaries

create a dictionary from a list with same value

    >>> a = ['a', 's', 'd', 'as', 'sd', 'asd'];
    >>> v = 42
    >>> d = {k:v for k in a}
    >>> d
    {'asd': 42, 'sd': 42, 's': 42, 'a': 42, 'as': 42, 'd': 42}


load json from a file

    import json
    with open('file.json') as fh:
      a = json.load(fh)

print a dictionary

Say we have a dictionary d where each element is a map from string to a dataframe. To print the shape of each dataframe, do

    >>> for (k,v) in d.items():
    ...     print("{}, {}".format(k, v.shape))
    object, (4208, 8)
    int, (4208, 369)
    measures, (4208, 369)
    response, (4208, 1)
    float, (4208, 1)
    predictors, (8416, 377)
    dimensions, (4208, 8)