Amazon Instant Video on Debian Jessie

From raju


Use google chrome to watch Amazon Instant Video on Debian Jessie. More details below.


Playing a video from Amazon Instant Video on Iceweasel gives

Unsupported Browser
This web browser isn't compatible with Amazon Video. Please use one of
the following web browsers:
  Google Chrome (latest version)

Iceweasel unsupported on amazon instant video.png

Even after changing the user agent in Tools -> Browsers - Linux to one of Chrome 43.0 (64 bit), Chrome 44.0 (32 bit), Firefox 40.0 (32 bit), Firefox 38.0 (64 bit) the problem remains the same.

Playing the same on Chromium gives

Digital Rights Error

Your web browser is missing a digital rights component. In the address bar, go
to chrome://plugins and ensure Widevine Content Decryption Module is
enabled. If missing, install it by going to chrome://components and under
WidevineCdm, click Check for update.

For further assistance, please contact Amazon Customer Service at and refer to error 7235.

Chromium drm error on amazon instant video.png

System Information

Machine is running Debian Jessie, the current stable version.

% dpkg -l iceweasel chromium | grep ^ii
ii  chromium       47.0.2526.80-1~deb8u1 amd64        web browser
ii  iceweasel      38.4.0esr-1~deb8u1    amd64        Web browser based on Firefox

Work around

Install google chrome by following links in -> -> Download . Amazon Instant Video is working in google chrome even without libhal1-flash, pepperflashplugin-nonfree. Here is the list of packages I currently have.

% dpkg -l google-chrome-stable iceweasel chromium \*flash\* | grep ^ii
ii  chromium             47.0.2526.80-1~deb8u1 amd64        web browser
ii  flashplugin-nonfree  1:3.6.1               amd64        Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin
ii  google-chrome-stable 47.0.2526.106-1       amd64        The web browser from Google
ii  iceweasel            38.4.0esr-1~deb8u1    amd64        Web browser based on Firefox


  • While testing this out, I installed and removed libhal1-flash, pepperflashplugin-nonfree. I am not sure if that did the trick. But now it works in google chrome even without them.
  • Even with libhal1-flash, pepperflashplugin-nonfree installed, Amazon video does not work in chromium and iceweasel. I still get the above errors.
  • To install the pepperflashplugin-nonfree package
 sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
  • To install the libhal1-flash

Add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list

 deb jessie main non-free

Update the package list

 sudo apt-get update

Install the libhal1-flash package

 sudo apt-get install libhal1-flash