C++ notes

From raju

inherit map

checklist when factoring out a function

possible fixes to common g++ errors

function declarations

strings related


Type of iterators

Complexity of operations


static variables

IDE reviews

Programming questions

Q. How to convert a string to const char *?

A. Use the c_str() function to get a const char * from std::string.

std::string str;
const char * c = str.c_str();

Ref:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/347949/how-to-convert-a-stdstring-to-const-char-or-char

Q. vector of pairs vs map, which one to use?

A. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/454762/vector-or-map-which-one-to-use


  1. To remove an element - map::erase
  2. To find value by key - map::find
    map<string, int> myFruit;
    myFruit["apple"] = 1;
    myFruit["pear"] = 2;
    myFruit["grape"] = 3;
    string key;
    int value;
    auto it=myFruit.find(key);
    if (it != myFruit.end())
        cout << key << "'s number is " << it->second << "\n";
        cout << key << " is not found in the fruit map.\n";

What is the use of extern keyword

unit testing

  • cppunit can be used for unit testing in C++

They are in include/cppunit/TestAssert.h

  • To catch exceptions thrown by cppunit
    catch (CppUnit::Exception& x)
        clog << "Exception from CppUnit." << endl
             << x.what() << endl;
        return -1;

vector of strings

  • To iterate over vector of strings
    vector<string> a;
    for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = a.begin();
         it != a.end();
        const string& elem = *it;
        cout << elem << "\n";

In C++11

    for (auto i : a)
        cout << i << "\n";

Ref:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11170349/iterating-over-a-vector-of-strings-in-c

general tips

  • Let's say you have a member variable that can only be initialized by calling a function and it needs to be a constant private member (ex:- const map<string, int>). To initialize it
 Declare it as a reference to a constant static member variable (in .H file)
 Create a static member function that initializes this type of object and returns a reference to it (ex:- const map<string, int>&)
 Initialize the static private constant member variable to this function (in .C file)

So the header file looks as

    class a
        static const map<string, int>& _m;
        static const map<string, int>& _set_m();

and the source file looks as

    const map<string, int>& a::_m = a::_set_m();
    const map<string, int>&
        static map<string, int> m;
        m['apple'] = 1;
        m['banana'] = 2;
        m['cantaloupe'] = 3;
        return m;

External links