Chrome notes

From raju

favorite configuration on desktop

restore previous session

disable notifications

  • chrome://settings or Menu -> Settings
    -> Show advanced settings -> Privacy -> Content settings ->
    • Location -> "Do not allow any site to track your physical location"
    • Notifications -> "Do not allow any site to show notifications"

disable video auto play

Show the bookmarks toolbar

Settings -> Appearance -> Show bookmarks bar -> slide right

Set chrome as default web browser

Settings -> Default browser -> make chrome the default

After this, clicking on links in outlook will open them in chrome.

show home button

Settings -> Appearance -> Show Home button -> slide it right.

Set the home page to which is a search engine similar to Google.


set up custom search engines

Manage passwords

Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Passwords and forms -> Manage passwords

Blocking ads

Store bookmarks in a different location

start google chrome with --user-data-dir

    "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome\Google Chrome.lnk" --user-data-dir="D:\chrome\profile1"

which will store all the bookmarks somewhere under D:\chrome\profile1.

Default bookmarks location: 'C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Bookmarks'


tags | where does chrome store bookmarks?, change default bookmarks location

sort after

save pdf files instead of opening them directly

    Settings -> Advanced -> Privacy and security ->
    Content Settings -> PDF documents ->
    Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome -> turn on
    Settings -> Advanced -> Downloads ->
    Ask where to save each file before downloading -> turn on

Useful links

  • chrome://settings/syncSetup - to sync passwords across chrome sessions over different machines

Open multiple websites in chrome

delete autocomplete entry

highlight the link of interest -> shift+delete

restart chrome browser

If you type “chrome://restart” into the Chrome browser, it’ll restart the browser and re-open tabs. Use this trick if the connection is slow or if the browser does not load properly.

clear cache for just one website

chrome://settings/siteData -> search for the website -> delete it

Install an extension without admin privileges

  • Download the extension
    cd $software
    mkdir -p downloads unzipped
    cd downloads
    mkdir $extension
    cd $extension
    curl -L$user/$repo/archive/ -O
    unzip -d ../../unzipped
    cd ../../unzipped
    mv $extension $extension_asof_`date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'`
  • Add it to chrome
    • chrome://extensions -> Enable "Developer mode"
    • Drag the extensions folder above into it

Note:- The extension folder should contain manifest.json in it.

Match whole words

There is no way to search for "whole words" on a web page in Chrome. For example, it is not possible to search for "all" but exclude hits such as "install", "pitfall".
Install "Chrome Regex Search" extension

Now search using Ctrl+Shift+f -> \bword\b

Tested on: Windows 10 Enterprise with extension code asof 2019-12-19.
