Facebook notes

From raju

Share a facebook video on whatsapp

favorite configuration

  • Get rid of the "Memories" shit from your timeline
Apps -> More -> On This Day -> Preferences 
    -> People -> Edit -> Add yourself -> Save
    -> Dates -> Edit -> Set start date = Jan 1 1980, end date = Dec 31, 2016 -> Save

Just make sure that the range enclosed by start date and end date is large enough to block all the "Memories".

  • Disable autoplaying of videos in Android app
    Settings button on the top right -> Settings & Privacy
    -> Settings -> Media and Contacts -> Media and Contacts
    -> Autoplay -> Never Autoplay Videos

Ref:- https://www.facebook.com/help/android-app/1406493312950827

  • Disable autoplaying of videos
Settings -> Videos -> Auto-Play Videos -> Off
  • enable captions
Settings -> Videos -> Always Show Captions -> On

Share a whatsapp video on Facebook

Play the video on web.whatsapp.com -> Download it -> Upload it to facebook.

download tiktok video without watermark
