Groupby function in python pandas
From raju
number of calls when using apply on a groupby object
When using apply() on a groupby object, the underlying function is called n+1 times when there are n groups. This is explained in
google searches | groupby number of calls to the apply function
Get three largest values from each group
Using group specific information inside the apply function
The trick is to use the .name attribute when the apply function is called. For example consider
In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a':list('aabccc'), 'b':np.arange(6)}) print df Out[1]: a b 0 a 0 1 a 1 2 b 2 3 c 3 4 c 4 5 c 5 In [2]: def bar(df, id): print 'name:', id, '\nsubdf:\n', df df_grp = df.groupby('a') df_grp.apply(lambda x: bar(x, Out[2]: name: a subdf: a b 0 a 0 1 a 1 name: b subdf: a b 2 b 2 name: c subdf: a b 3 c 3 4 c 4 5 c 5
google searches | python pandas apply name attribute, python groupby ".name" attribute, python how to get the group name in agg function
demonstrates | apply a function that takes multiple arguments on a groupby object