Health notes
From raju
Ebola can only be transmitted through direct contact with bodily fluids such as blood, vomit or diarrhea.
Do not: alcohol, carbohydrates
Do: fruits, vegetables, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid - {algae, fish, flax seed oil, soy, walnuts, seaweed}
Do : exercise > 30 mins per day for five days a week. Maintain 50 - 75% of maximum heart rate while exercising.
source of triglycerides : food, body. - defines what are normal and abnormal levels of triglycerides.
HDL - good kind, LDL - bad kind.
HDL removes cholesterol from plaque and from the bloodstream. LDL deposits cholesterol in the artery wall, forming plaque.
Do not: cheese, whole-milk, butter, sweets, soft drinks, sodium
Do: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts.
Breakfast ideas: oats - oatmeal or cold oat-based cereal like cheerios, banana, strawberries
Eat: oat bran, barley, beans - {navy beans, kidney beans}, lentils, garbanzos, black-eyed peas, soy - {soy milk, tofu}, eggplant, okra
25 grams of soy protein a day lowers LDL by 5%.
Nuts to eat: almonds, walnuts, peanuts. Eating 2 ounces of nuts a day lowers LDL by 5%.
Oils to use: Canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, Olive oil, vegetable oil, corn oil. Canola has the lowest saturated fat at 7%.
Fruits to eat: Apples, grapes, strawberries, citrus fruits
Do: 30 minutes of intense exercise + 5 times a week, obsese ? loose weight : maintain healthy weight
Avoid: coconut oil (raises LDL)
See also:
- - no nonsense, easy to read. Gives an explicit list of foods to eat (as opposed to listing just broad categories).
Saturated fats
Saturated fats are bad for health. They raise LDL but lowers triglycerides and nudges up HDL. Better to avoid them.
Found in: coconut oil, palm oil, whole milk, eggs, cocoa butter.
Trans fat
Trans fats are very bad for health. They raise LDL, triglycerides, reduce HDL.
Found in: solid margarine, baked goods, restaurant food, fast food, milk, hydrogenated oils, vegetable oils
Polyunsaturated fats
Polyunsaturated fats are good for health. They improve blood cholesterol.
Found in: vegetable oils, fish oil
Monounsaturated fats
Monounsaturated fats are good for health. They improve blood cholesterol. Found in: olive, canola, peanut, sunflower, safflower oils.
omega-3 fatty acid
- Omega-3 fatty acids decrease cholesterol.
- foods rich in Omega-3: fish
External links
- - Basics about Diabetes
- - High Blood Pressure
- - “Bad” and “Good” Cholesterol
- - Body Mass Index (BMI)
- - concise, no nonsense, easy to understand information on cholesterol and food sources.
- multigrains lower LDL
- Eat: bran, wheat, quinoa
- Do not eat: bread, pasta
Notes to be sorted
- Foods high in unstaturated fats - avocado (75% unsaturated fat), beans and nuts
- meats to eat: turkey, chicken and fish
- meats to avoid: red meat