Zsh notes
From raju
Sample scripts
Check number of arguments
% stuff check_arg_num.zsh #! /usr/bin/env zsh set -e set -u if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 foo" >&2 exit 1 fi foo=$1 echo $foo
where stuff is a custom script similar to cat but removes empty lines and comments.
Sample run without an argument
% zsh check_arg_num.zsh Usage: check_arg_num.zsh foo
Sample run with an argument
% zsh check_arg_num.zsh something something
Ref:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4341630/checking-for-the-correct-number-of-arguments
pass through
Here is an example of a pass through shell script that calls a python program located in the same directory.
% cat myapp #! /bin/zsh -f DIR="$(dirname "$(which "$0")")" $DIR/myapp.py "$@"
I use this approach a lot. The idea is that all the heavy lifting is done by a script written in an appropriate language and the shell script just calls that. This way if we decide to use a different language to implement the feature or call a different script altogether, the end user will not notice a change.
printf examples
Let's say you are doing some analysis that takes a long time to complete and produces an output file in the end. In that case, we do not want to accidentally overwrite the output file if the script is rerun. One way to ensure this is to check if the file exists at the very beginning of the script and exit if that is the case.
ofile="analysis.out" if [ -f $ofile ]; then printf "Error: output file %s already exists.\n\ Please remove it manually to rerun the analysis.\n" $ofile exit 1 fi
Sample output looks like
>./run_analysis.sh Error: output file analysis.out already exists. Please remove it manually to rerun the analysis.
tags | printf multiple lines, printf long strings
regex matching
% cat regex_match.sh #! /bin/zsh echo "foo123bar" | grep -qs "foo[0-9][0-9][0-9]bar" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then printf "Match found\n"; else printf "Match not found\n"; fi echo "bar123foo" | grep -qs "foo[0-9][0-9][0-9]bar" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then printf "Match found\n"; else printf "Match not found\n"; fi
Sample usage
% ./regex_match.sh Match found Match not found
Ref:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8599628/shell-scripting-and-regular-expression
Using If else
Example 1
% cat using_if_else.sh #! /usr/bin/env zsh foo="kamaraju" # foo="raju" if [[ "X$foo" == "Xraju" ]] then printf "if stanza: Hi raju\n"; else printf "else stanza: Hi $foo\n"; fi
Example 2
% cat using_defs.sh #! /usr/bin/env zsh set -eu def_kama=$1 def_raju=$2 if (($def_kama)) then print "kama is defined" elif ((def_raju)) then print "raju is defined" else print "neither kama nor raju is defined" fi % ./using_defs.sh 1 0 kama is defined % ./using_defs.sh 0 1 raju is defined % ./using_defs.sh 0 0 neither kama nor raju is defined % ./using_defs.sh ./using_defs.sh:5: 1: parameter not set
Example 3: Start iceweasel if it has not already started
if pgrep -x iceweasel > /dev/null then echo "Not starting iceweasel as it is already running." else iceweasel & fi
Check if a directory exists
% cat dir_exists_01.sh #! /bin/zsh set -eu check_if_dir_exists() { dirname=$1; if [ ! -d "$dirname" ] then echo "$dirname does not exist" else echo "$dirname exists" fi } check_if_dir_exists "/bin" check_if_dir_exists "/kamaraju" check_if_dir_exists "kama raju"
Sample run
% dir_exists_01.sh /bin exists /kamaraju does not exist kama raju does not exist
Check if an environment variable is defined
parametric study using zsh script
Create a file
% cat ./parametric_study.sh #! /bin/zsh month=( "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December" ) for i in $month do echo "month = " $i done
Make it executable
% chmod +x parametric_study.sh
Run the script
% ./parametric_study.sh month = January month = February month = March month = April month = May month = June month = July month = August month = September month = October month = November month = December
The script can also be run as
% zsh ./parametric_study.sh
Tested using zsh 4.3.10.
Check if two files are different
% cat are_files_different.sh #! /bin/zsh cmp -s file_1 file_2 > /dev/null cret=$? if [ $cret -eq 0 ]; then print "files are identical" elif [ $cret -eq 1 ]; then print "files are different" else print "An error occurred when comparing files." fi
star vs at
% cat star_vs_at.sh #! /bin/zsh bar() { echo $1:$2; } foo_at() { bar "$@";} foo_at_no_quotes() { bar $@; } foo_star() { bar "$*"; } foo_star_no_quotes() { bar $*; } printf "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" foo_at "This is" a test foo_at_no_quotes "This is" a test foo_star "This is" a test foo_star_no_quotes "This is" a test printf "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" printf "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" foo_at This is "a test" foo_at_no_quotes This is "a test" foo_star This is "a test" foo_star_no_quotes This is "a test" printf "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" printf "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" foo_at This "is a" test foo_at_no_quotes This "is a" test foo_star This "is a" test foo_star_no_quotes This "is a" test printf "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" % ./star_vs_at.sh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is:a This is:a This is a test: This is:a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This:is This:is This is a test: This:is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This:is a This:is a This is a test: This:is a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
grep history
Add the following to your ~/.zshrc
history_grep() { if [ -z "$*" ] then history 1 else history 1 | egrep "$@" fi } alias hg=history_grep
Sample usage
% hg "\<diff Portfolio.C\>" % history_grep "\<diff Portfolio.C\>"
Related links:
- original version is from https://nixtricks.wordpress.com/2009/12/03/zsh-print-the-full-command-line-history/
echo commands
Use "set -x" to echo commands while the script is executing. Use "set +x" to stop echoing.
% cat ./echo_commands.zsh #! /usr/bin/env zsh echo "before set -x" set -x echo "after set -x" set +x echo "after set +x"
Sample run
% ./echo_commands.zsh before set -x +./echo_commands.zsh:5> echo 'after set -x' after set -x +./echo_commands.zsh:6> set +x after set +x
backup a directory
Merge daily csv files into a single csv file
code snippets
Remove file extension
The following code moves files of type junk*.txt from directory x to directory x2. It also changes the extension of files to ".dat". The ":t" gives the base file name, ":r" removes the extension.
% for in in x/junk*.txt do odir=x2 out=$odir/${in:t:r}.dat mv -i $in $out done
`x/junk1.txt' -> `x2/junk1.dat' `x/junk2.txt' -> `x2/junk2.dat' `x/junk3.txt' -> `x2/junk3.dat' `x/junk4.txt' -> `x2/junk4.dat' `x/junk5.txt' -> `x2/junk5.dat'
Remove file extension using sed
>echo "/path/to/foo.avro.gz" | sed -e 's/\.gz$//' /path/to/foo.avro
Keep the code in the script for reference but do not execute it.
def_notnow=0 if [ $def_notnow == 1 ]; then # commands that should not to be executed fi # commands that should be be executed
template to exit after an error
#! /usr/bin/env zsh set -e
Trouble shooting
process newline character
unset the PROMPTCR option if you are having trouble processing newline character from the output of shell commands
%ls -1 kama raju %ls -1 | tr '\n' ' ' %setopt NO_PROMPTCR %ls -1 | tr '\n' ' ' kama raju %
So, with the PROMPTCR option set, the lines without newline character are overridden by the prompt. But when it is unset, those lines will be shown.
Search command line history using glob pattern matching
tags | reverse search
source one alias
Two possible approaches
eval `grep "alias foo=" ~/.zshrc`
grep "alias foo=" ~/.zshrc | source /dev/stdin
useful zsh functions
Get the nth last command
Sort the output of hdfs dfs -ls by time
Add the following lines to ~/.zshrc
# Use this function to sort the output of hdfs dfs -ls by time. # hls "/path/to/hdfs/dirctory" hls() { hdfs dfs -ls "$1" | sort -k6,7 }
To be sorted
Simple regression testing using zsh script
Experiment with different shells
set up an alias for ls
show colors. Show timestamps in a machine readable format.
alias ls="ls --color=auto --time-style=\"+%Y%m%d_%H%M\"" % ls -al ~/.zshrc -rw-r--r-- 1 rajulocal users 1048 20150118_1141 /home/rajulocal/.zshrc
useful external links
- zsh subversion tab completion problems - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7408105/how-do-i-disable-zsh-autocompletion-for-svn
Multiline editing
- Use Escape-Return to enter a new line while editing a multiline command
Ref:- page 99 in "From Bash to Z Shell: Conquering the Command Line" By Oliver Kiddle, Peter Stephenson, Jerry Peek
Multiline statements
#! /bin/env zsh for fname in *.csv.gz do # I am not showing the logic to construct $ofile here. Fix this later. (echo "COL1"; gunzip -c $fname | cut -f1 -d',' | tail -n +2) > $ofile
difference between set -e and set -u
If you are using a variable before setting its value, then set -u will throw a message such as
file_name:line_num: var_name: parameter not set
and he program will continue.
If you use "set -e", the program will exit after the first error.
So, if you are using both (ex:- "set -ue") then program will immediately exit after the above message.
zsh manual
- Browsable HTML - http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/zsh_toc.html
- PDF - http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/zsh_us.pdf
External links
- http://chneukirchen.org/blog/archive/2013/03/10-fresh-zsh-tricks-you-may-not-know.html talks about mapping M-m to copy earlier words of a command. The idea is to use M-. to go to a previous command and then use M-m to get the argument of interest.