Mr notes

From raju

My initial setup

Checkout the code.

    debian@mercury:~$ mkdir -p ~/work/joeyh
    debian@mercury:~$ cd ~/work/joeyh
    debian@mercury:~/work/joeyh$ git clone
    Cloning into 'myrepos'...
    debian@mercury:~/work/joeyh$ cd myrepos
    debian@mercury:~/work/joeyh/myrepos$ ls
    debian  doc  GPL  lib  Makefile  mr  mrconfig  mrconfig.complex  README  webcheckout

where mercury is my host name and debian is my user name.

Set up the PATH by adding the following to ~/.bashrc

    # for mr
    export PATH=$HOME/work/joeyh/myrepos:$PATH

Log out and log back in for the PATH to take effect.

Add the following to ~/.mrconfig (create if the file does not exist)

    git_up = 
               git stash -q || true
               git pull --rebase
               git stash pop -q 2>/dev/null || true
    checkout = git clone '' 'myrepos'